Repair Tip For Oiled Wood Flooring


One of the main differences between wooden floors and other types of flooring is that pretty much anything you throw at a wooden floor can be repaired.  Repairs to wooden floors go from single scratch cover ups to complete re-sand and re-seal.  Simple, straightforward repairs can be carried out by the most inexperienced DIY-er, but you may want to consider getting the professionals in for more significant repairs.  That said, like all things in life, when it comes to wooden floor damage, prevention is better than cure and you should, of course, avoid damage whenever you possibly can.

Things you can do to prevent damage to your wooden floor include lifting, never dragging furniture across your floor; sticking to a regular and thorough cleaning schedule which is adapted to your flooring; taking good care to avoid water damage and mopping up splashes and spills as soon as you notice them.

If you have an oiled floor and it’s looking lightly (but not excessively) damaged all over, normally a fresh coating of oil all over the floor will do the trick and bring your floor back to life.  If your floor is showing signs of deeper scratches and dents you could always consider investing in a filler which will act to even out problem areas.  If damage to your floor is extensive, the worst-case scenario is normally a complete re-sand and re-seal to get your floor back to looking like new.  Although a complete re-sand and re-seal might mean bringing in a professional, there are plenty of things you can do yourself if damage is less serious.

For example, here’s a repair tip for an oiled floor which you have scratched and want a “quick fix”.  If you are the proud owner of a new oiled wood flooring and are in the unfortunate situation of having scratched it, try not to worry too much!  A simple, quick and DIY solution is to dab a little olive oil over the scratch.  While this is not a solution for excessive scratching or wooden floor renovation, it might just get you out of the horrible situation of having scratched your new floor.

/Real Wood Flooring
Jonathan Sapir

Jonathan Sapir has over 17 years in the flooring industry. As an authority on flooring, he infuses his extensive knowledge and passion for quality products into every article. Jonathan's expertise helps readers make informed decisions for elegant and durable flooring solutions.