Categories: Laminate Flooring

Upgrading Your Kid’s Room? Start with Laminate Wood Flooring

Laminate wood flooring is a great option for home upgrades, and the best place to start using this flooring is in high traffic and high stress areas of your home. Of course, one of the first places that comes to mind is anywhere the kids are with all their toys and games. A floor has probably never seen so much use than in that play room. Carpet just cannot keep up with the energy and drive of children leaving you no choice than to upgrade to something more durable like laminate wood flooring.

Easier to Clean

One of the top reasons to make the switch from carpet to laminate floor is that it is much easier to clean and maintain. When it comes to spills and stains, carpet does not repel those liquids and messes quite as easily. You are left with a choice to either have a stain-covered carpet, or you spend potentially hundreds every few months to get the carpet professionally cleaned.

Options like laminate, engineered wood flooring, or vinyl flooring do not take nearly as much work to maintain. If you spill something on it all you have to do is wipe it up quickly, or clean it with water and floor cleaner. There are other, more professional ways, to clean wood flooring when you want a deep clean, but when it comes to a quick and easy on-the-spot clean it does not take much. With laminate floor you are also able to hide stains more easily. Carpet tends to show every stain, whereas the pattern variations in wood and laminate flooring allow most minor stains and blemishes to blend in.

Laminate Wood Flooring: Strong Enough to Stand Up to Play Time!

Another one of the biggest reasons to switch to laminate flooring is its strength to keep up with children. When it comes to normal wear and tear on floors, wood floors will always outlast carpet and this is especially true when children are involved. Carpets can become worn and frayed when kids are running around or playing with cars and other toys. Too much pull and the carpet can come loose from the floor itself, exposing sharp tacks underneath. If you’ve ever stepped on a line of carpet tacks you know it’s not something you’d ever want to happen to your child!

Perhaps carpet’s one advantage over laminate wood flooring is that it offers more traction when your kids are running around, which can especially be a concern with toddlers who are still unsteady on your feet. If you are worried about slips and falls, you could always put a throw rug over top of the wood. A cheap machine-washable throw rug is easier to keep clean and can be disposed after a while, leaving no trace of any mess.

Overall, laminate flooring is the most cost-effective way to ensure your kids have a good playing surface beneath their feet. It is super easy to clean, and even easier to maintain. You won’t find yourself shutting that room off when company comes over because of the dirty floor. You and your kids will love it and show it off with pride. Make the switch today.

Jonathan Sapir

Jonathan Sapir has over 17 years in the flooring industry. As an authority on flooring, he infuses his extensive knowledge and passion for quality products into every article. Jonathan's expertise helps readers make informed decisions for elegant and durable flooring solutions.