How Eco-Friendly Is Your Wood Flooring?

More and more people who choose wood flooring are seeking out, not just a stylish and cost effective option, but also an eco-friendly option.  These people typically ask their floor providers about the sustainability and the eco credentials of the wood that has been used in the manufacture of the flooring.  What these people often forget is that the eco-friendliness of their wood floor can’t be fully determined until the floor has been laid and its predecessor disposed of!  In fact, even then, you need to make sure you keep the eco flag flying with your cleaning and maintenance regime.

If you are seeking a truly eco-friendly wood flooring solution, of course you need to ask your flooring supplier about the origins and sustainability of the flooring, but we’d encourage you to think beyond the floor itself if you’re really serious about being eco-friendly.  Your wood floor itself is only one element of the end product.  What about its transportation?; what about the materials and accessories which are used in its installation?; what’s going to happen to your old floor, once it’s been removed?  These are all questions that need to be answered to make sure your floor project is truly eco-friendly.

It’s all very well choosing a solid or engineered wood flooring product which is made with sustainable wood and which boasts admirable eco credentials, but what about the truck it’s delivered on?  If the transportation of your floor pays no respect to whatsoever to the environment and its carbon footprint, then your efforts could be wasted.  Like most things in the eco argument, only through consumer pressure will some companies change their ways.  So do remember to ask about the transportation of your floor if you’re serious about finding an eco-friendly solution.

Once your floor has arrived at your home, you then need to think about the installation method and how eco-friendly that is.  No matter which fitting method you’ve chosen (or have been recommended), there is likely to be underlays, glues and accessories used which may not be as eco-friendly as you imagine…so do be sure to ask.

When it comes to the cleaning and maintenance of your wood flooring, the chances are, if you’re an eco-friendly person, you’ll make sound decisions on that front, but again, it’s worth bearing in mind.  And finally, if you’re having an old floor removed to make way for your new one, do make sure that your fitter adopts an eco-friendly approach to its disposal, otherwise, again, your efforts could be wasted.

Jonathan Sapir

Jonathan Sapir has over 17 years in the flooring industry. As an authority on flooring, he infuses his extensive knowledge and passion for quality products into every article. Jonathan's expertise helps readers make informed decisions for elegant and durable flooring solutions.