The Geometric Face of Parquet Flooring


The parquet flooring technique is simply the use of geometric shapes to create a flooring pattern that is rich is angles and sharp edges. The most famous style of parquet flooring is the herringbone pattern which uses wood slats to create right angles in various designs. This pattern is seen in many homes and European city infrastructure, as well as historical sites. There are many design capabilities for the parquet technique, some of which are famous throughout the world.

Uses of Parquet Flooring

One of the most well-known modern uses of a hard wood parquet design pattern is the United States national basketball team – The Boston Celtics. Their court floor has used a solid wood flooring parquet pattern for over 70 years. It differs from an original wood flooring design that many other basketball teams are accustomed to and gives a different feel to the ambiance of the arena.

On a smaller scale though, parquet flooring is meant to give definition to large rooms in a home, in addition to long hallways. The larger the room, the more flexibility there is to create a custom pattern that fits your liking. Try to avoid using the parquet design in small rooms and bathrooms, where the effect may be overwhelming and make the room feel smaller. Wood flooring (both engineered and solid) in general should be avoided in bathrooms to reduce the chances of warping and expansion due to the high moisture levels.

One of the great uses of a parquet design is to create focal points in a room. Take for instance an entryway into a house. If the wood slats are firing in an outward direction towards the walls from a central shape or object, it creates the center of the room as the focal point on the floor. As a design characteristic, this can be very appealing to the eye and can harmonize the atmosphere of the house.

Numerous Options for Your Home

The parquet pattern is not just limited to solid wood floor slats either. Engineered flooring can be used to creative attractive designs and looks just as appealing as solid wood floor slats. It really all depends on what you want and the look you are trying to achieve.

Each type of flooring has its pros and cons. Solid wood flooring has much better durability over longer periods of time but carries a more costly initial investment. Engineered flooring is much easier to clean and can be designed to give you the exact colour and texture exactly you’re looking for, but will need replacing in high traffic areas more frequently than solid wood. Whichever you choose, the Wood and Beyond experts are there to assist you.

Overall, the parquet technique in creating wood flooring has endless possibilities. With the use of parquet patterns, you truly can create a one of a kind pattern for every great room of your house. Whether you choose a herringbone pattern or a chevron pattern or a custom pattern, the fundamental parquet architectural model will be present in every flooring design.

Jonathan Sapir

Jonathan Sapir has over 17 years in the flooring industry. As an authority on flooring, he infuses his extensive knowledge and passion for quality products into every article. Jonathan's expertise helps readers make informed decisions for elegant and durable flooring solutions.