Cheap Wood Flooring Can Cost You Dearly


If you’re currently on the lookout for wood flooring and you’re working on a limited budget like most people, it’s really important not to be tempted just to plump for the cheapest option.  There are huge numbers of wood floor suppliers on the market these days.  No matter where you look, both on the high street and online, you’ll be (almost) overwhelmed by the choice available.  The good news about this situation from your point of view is that the intense competition in the wood flooring market means that prices are more competitive than ever.  This means you can secure yourself a great deal, without having to compromise on quality.

So, if you’re toying with the idea of ordering cheap wood flooring, it’s time to think again.  There are various things you need to take into account when you choose your wood flooring.  Things like whether solid wood or engineered wood will work best for your project is one of the most fundamental questions, but after that, you need to be thinking about how you can secure yourself the best deal at the best price.

Here are just some of the things you need to be taking into account when you choose your wood flooring supplier and your wood flooring:

What guarantees are on offer?

Is your supplier happy to provide you with samples?

Does the flooring come from responsibly managed forests?

Will your supplier help you establish the best fitting method; what additional material you will need and how to work out how much flooring you will need?

Will your preferred supplier let you speak to people they’ve already supplied, and, or fitted flooring for?

These are just some of the basic things you need to be establishing before you plump for what appears to be cheap flooring.  Cheap flooring without a guarantee or warranty is probably one of the most important things to avoid.  All quality wood flooring suppliers will guarantee their flooring on the basis that it has been properly fitted by a professional installer.  Some cheap flooring comes with no guarantee whatsoever, which means that you could find yourself with warped or cupped flooring in a very short period of time, and in most instances, you’ll have absolutely no hope of getting a refund or a replacement from your supplier.

Getting your hands on samples of the flooring that takes your fancy, will enable you to compare like with like.  It doesn’t take a flooring expert to spot flooring that doesn’t stand a chance of lasting a lifetime.  By obtaining samples of different flooring within your price range, you’ll be able to establish which option stands the best chance of lasting.  Add to these elements, things like the service provided by your chosen flooring supplier and a few discussions with people who’ve bought from them already will convince you that working with someone who’s trustworthy, quality focused and offers a reasonable price is well worth a slightly higher spend in the long run.

It’s really important that you don’t get caught out by investing in wood flooring only to find yourself in the horrible position of having to replace it in only a few years time.  This really is false economy.  Looking out for things like clearance flooring, special offers and choosing a rustic option, rather than a select option, will allow you to get your hands on much higher quality flooring, often at the same price as cheap flooring, which could leave you feeling let down and disappointed.

Jonathan Sapir

Jonathan Sapir has over 17 years in the flooring industry. As an authority on flooring, he infuses his extensive knowledge and passion for quality products into every article. Jonathan's expertise helps readers make informed decisions for elegant and durable flooring solutions.