What is Composite Decking?
category/Real Wood Flooring
category/Real Wood Flooring
category/Real Wood Flooring
You’d be forgiven for having a look at the title of this article and having a little chuckle to yourself, thinking we’ve completely lost the plot! Surely softwood is soft and hardwood is hard, no? It can’t be much simpler than that, you might think. But no, the terms softwood and hardwood don’t refer…
Oak is a wood that is recognised, pretty much worldwide for its strength and hardness. A tree that takes tens of years to grow and mature and, if left uncut can live for hundreds of years, it’s easy to see why the wood produced from this tree is so commonly used in furnishing and…
Although we’ve written about kitchen flooring before, times and trends have changed since the last time we wrote. It’s for these reasons that we want to revisit the important subject of how best to choose the right kitchen floor for your home. Like most things in life, kitchens come in all shapes and sizes,…